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с английского на баскский

( -(r)en berri)

  • 1 berri

    [cf. Aquit. -berri, e.g. Ilurberrixo, Ilurberrixon(i), cf. in place names such as "Iliberri"] iz.
    a. [ izen plurala ] \berriak news; \berri bat a piece of news; \berri onak good news, gospel; senarraren hil-\berria hartu zuenean when she learnt of the news of her husband's death
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \berri agentzia news service, news agency; \berripaper newsletter
    a. e-en \berri jakin to know about sth; badaki gertatu denaren \berri he's aware of what's happened; haiek ez dakite hemengo \berri they know nothing about here; denok dugu Sobiet Batasunak bizi duen gainbeheraren eta ahuleziaren \berri we all know about the decline and weakness the Soviet Union suffered; epaileak ez du Suitzako \berririk the judge knows nothing about Switzerland
    b. \berri eman i. (jakinarazi) to inform ii. to report (- (r)i: to) ; \berri eman arte until further notice io.
    a. new
    b. Geog. Ginea B\berria New Guinea; Zeelanda B\berria New Zealand
    2. (freskoa) fresh
    a. (fededuna) convert; musulman \\ kristau \berri Moslem \\ Christian convert
    b. euskaldun \berri (adult) Basque learner
    4. (+ aditzera bukatu)
    a. newly, recently; irakurri \berri dudan liburu batean in a book I've just read; ezkondu berriak dira they're newly weds; oraindik jaio \berria da it's just been born; jaio \berritan when just born
    b. freshly; ogi erre \berria freshly baked bread; belar ebaki \berria freshly cut grass

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berri

  • 2 berri


    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > berri

  • 3 berri eman arte

    until further notice

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > berri eman arte

  • 4 urte berri

    1. New Year; \urte berri on! Happy New Year!
    2. New Year gift

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > urte berri

  • 5 ilargi berri

    new moon

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > ilargi berri

  • 6 modelo berri bat

    a new design

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > modelo berri bat

  • 7 atera

    du/ad. [from ate (door) + -ra]
    1. ( oro.)
    a. to take out ( -tik: of) ; giltzak sakeletik \atera zituen he took the keys out of his pocket ; txakurra kanpora \atera zuen he took the dog outside
    b. to get out, take out ( -tik: of) ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box
    c. ( tinko den zerbait, e.a. hortz) to pull out, draw out ( -tik: of)
    d. ( begi) to take out, pluck out
    e. ( p.) to take out ; paseatzera \atera to take sb out for a walk; i-r espetxetik \atera i. to get sb out of prison ii. ( ihes eginez) to spring sb from prison; harrika \atera dute herritik they' ll stone him out of town
    f. Kim. to extract
    g. ( arma) to draw ( -tik: from) ; ezpata \atera to draw one' s sword
    h. Fin. ( bankutik) to withdraw ( -tik: from)
    i. ( ezabatu) kendu, borratu
    j. ( arnasa) to take ( -tik: from)
    k. argitara \atera to expose to light
    2. (irud.)
    a. to get out ( -tik: of) ; datuak liburu askotatik \ateratakoak dira the information is gleaned from many books ; hitzik ere ez du \atera he didn' t {utter || say} a word; i-r bere onetik \atera to get on sb' s nerves; nondik \atera duzu ideia hori? where did you get that idea from?
    3. ( zikindura, tinta gune, e.a.) to get out ( -tik: of), remove ( -tik: from)
    4. ( soldadu, ordezkari) to withdraw
    5. (Josk.) ( janzki) to let out
    a. to get; harena behar du beti \atera he' s always got to get his way ; pobreek nekez \ateratzen dute beren bizia the poor struggle to {get by || make ends meet}
    b. ( dirua) to make, get
    c. ( titulua, ikastagiria) to get, earn
    7. ( gorputzatala) mingaina \atera to stick one' s tongue out; mingaina \atera zidan she stuck her tongue out at me
    a. ( soluziobide) to reach, obtain, get
    b. ( ondorioa) to draw; ondorioa \atera to draw conclusions |to reach a conclusion; hori \atera dezakegu ikusten dugunetik that we can infer from what we see
    a. ( produktu) to produce, make
    b. ( modelu berri bat) to come out with
    c. ( kanta, abesti) to make up, compose
    d. ( moda berri bat) to create
    e. Leg. to come out with; horren kontrako lege bat \atera zuten they came out with a law against that
    a. ( argazkia) to take; argazki bat \atera nahi zigun he wanted to take a picture of us
    b. ( kopia) to make, have made
    a. ( sari, loteria) to get, receive; horrela ez duzu ezer \aterako you won' t get anything that way; urtean enpresa honek 2.000.000 dolarretako mozkina \ateratzen du that company makes a profit of 2,000,000 dollars a year
    a. ( bete) to keep, fulfill, comply with; emandako hitzak \atera behar dira promises must be kept
    b. ( zorrak) to pay up, liquidate
    c. ( bekatu) to atone for
    13. ( frogatu) to prove, demonstrate; lana izango du bere errugabetasuna \ateratzeko it' ll be hard for him to prove his innocence | he' s got his work cut out to prove his innocence
    14. ( albiste) to let it be known ; {hil dela || hil delakoa || hil delako } \atera dute word' s gone out that he' s died
    15. Kir. ( pilota, baloi)
    a. ( tenis) to serve
    b. ( futbola) to throw in
    a. ( hartu) \atera gehiago help yourself to some more
    b. aizak, \atera beste hiru gorri waiter, we' ll have another three ros—s
    17. (Pol.) to elect, have elected da/ad.
    1. ( p.)
    a. to come out, go out; kalera \atera ginen we went out; ez \atera ez egon zen she couldn' t make up her mind whether to go out or not; nondik \atera zara? where did you {come || pop up} from?; zinetik \ateratzean ikusi genuen {on leaving the cinema || when we were coming out of the cinema} we saw her; hemendik \ateratzean egingo dugu we' ll do it on the way out of here; etxetik gehiago \atera behar genuke we should get out of the house some more ; noiz \atera zen espetxetik? when did he get out of prison?
    b. ( agertu) to appear, emerge
    c. (irud.) bizirik \atera to survive, come out alive; istripuan soilik bera \atera zen bizirik only he survived the accident; larrialditik \atera to get out of a {jam || fix}; komatik \atera to emerge from a coma | to come out of a coma; ez da bere eleetatik \ateratzen he' s sticking to his {guns || story}; mahaiburuaren kargutik \ateratzekoa da aurten he' s giving up the chairmanship this year
    2. ( gauzak b.b.)
    a. ( oro.) to come out ( -tik: of) ; ura hemendik \ateratzen da water comes out here
    b. ( ageri) to emerge, appear ; pikortak aurpegian \atera zitzaizkion pimples {broke out || appeared} on his face
    c. ( landare) to appear, come up
    d. ( aldizkari) to come out, appear
    e. Astron. to rise, come up
    f. ( eguzki) to come out, come up
    g. ( kale, karrika) to lead ( -ra: to) ; kale hori enparantzara \ateratzen da that street leads to the square
    h. ( etorri) to come out ( -tik: from), come ( -tik: from) ; ardoa mahatsetatik \ateratzen da wine comes from grapes
    i. ( hortz) haurrari hortz bat \atera zaio the child cut a tooth
    j. ( eraztun kendu, e.a.) to come off, slip off; eraztuna hatzetik \atera zait my ring has {slipped || come} off my finger; zapata \aterata daukazu your shoe' s {come || slipped} off
    k. ( albiste) to come out ; berri hori atzoko egunkarian \atera zen that piece of news came out in the paper yesterday
    l. (irud.) aurpegiari bozkarioa \atera zitzaion joy showed on her face
    3. ( ondorio izan; suertatu)
    a. to turn out; to be, prove, turn out to be ; ez zaio ongi \atera it didn' t work out for him very well; ehiztari \atera zen he turned out to be a hunter
    b. ( arrakasta) to turn out; garaile \atera ziren they turned out to be the victor ; azterketa ondo \atera zitzaion he did well on the test |he aced the test (USA) Lagunart.
    c. ( porrot egin) to come out; asmoa gaizki \atera zitzaien the scheme misfired | the plan went wrong on them
    d. ( prezio) to cost; oso garestia \aterako zaizu this is going to cost you | this is going to run into a lot of money
    a. ( p.) to leave, depart ( -tik: from) ; zortzietan hiritik \atera ziren they left the city at eight o' clock
    b. ( autobusa, trena) to leave, depart ( -tik: from)
    c. Naut. ( itsasontzia) to sail
    5. i-kin \atera to go out with, date; 3 urte dira \ateratzen direla they have been going out for three years
    6. ( bide) to lead ; nora \ateratzen da bide hau? where does this road lead to? ; Kale Nagusira \ateratzen da it leads to {Main Street (USA) || High Street (GB) }
    7. ( esankizun) to come out; eta orain honekin \atera da and now he comes out with this; esan ba! — ez zait \ateratzen! say it! — I just can' t!
    8. ( balkoi, leiho bat, e.a.) to jut out, project
    a. Tek. to become disconnected
    b. Trenb. trenbidetik \atera to leave the rails | to jump the track
    10. ( jokoetan, e.a.)
    a. ( xakejokoan) to have the first move
    b. Kartak. to lead; batekoarekin \atera to lead with an ace
    c. Kir. to start
    11. Inform. to exit, quit
    12. Antz. to come on, enter; harakin bezala jantzita \ateratzen da he comes on dressed as a butcher Oharra: atera duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila ezazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., argazkiak atera aurkitzeko, bila ezazu argazki sarreran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atera

  • 8 atsekabetsu

    io. sorrowful, distressing; berri \atsekabetsua distressing news; irtenbide bila dabiltza egoera \atsekabetsu horretatik ateratzeko they' re looking for a solution to emerge from that sorry state of affairs; berri \atsekabetsu hori hartu bezain laster, etxera abiatu zen as soon as she heard that distress news, she set out for home

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atsekabetsu

  • 9 eskuetaratu

    1. ( lortu) to get, obtain; galdua berriro eskuetaratzeko in order to regain what's been lost
    2. ( eman) to hand over, turn over da/ad.
    1. ( eskuetara etorri) to come to; azkenik eskuetara zait argitaratu berri den liburu hori I've finally got my hands on that book which has just been published; \eskuetaratu zaidan paper batetik hartu ditut berri horiek I've got that news from a paper that has come into my possession
    2. ( borrokan hasi) to come to blows

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eskuetaratu

  • 10 itun

    a. ( hitzarmena, elkar hartzea) agreement, pact; \ituna izenpetu to sign an agreement
    b. ( tregoa) treaty; Ipar Atlantikoaren I\itun Erakunde North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    2. Kristau.
    a. testament; I\itun Zaharra \\ Berria the Old \\ New Testament; I\itun Zahar eta Berriak the Old and New Testaments
    b. covenant; \itun berri eta betierekoa new and everlasting covenant; \ituneko jende covenant people
    iz. (B) ( ituntasuna, tristezia) gloom io. Lit. ( iluna, tristea, goibela) gloomy, dismal, sorrowful; hontzaren oihu \ituna the sorrowful call of the owl adb. Lit. gloomily, dejectedly; berri horiek aditzean, \itun joan ziren when they heard the news they went away dejected; zer dela eta \itun, txoria? why so glum, little bird?

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itun

  • 11 jakin

    [from *e-aki-n] iz.
    1. \jakinaren gainean i. knowingly ii. ( oharturik) consciously, with awareness iii. with premeditation; \jakinaren gainean egin zuen he knew full well what he did; \jakinaren gainearen esaten ditu horrelako gauzak he knows perfectly well the things he says; \jakinaren gainean egon to be aware | to be in the know; i-r \jakinaren gainean jarri i. (j akinarazi) to keep sb {informed || updated} ii. ( gaztigatu) to warn
    2. \jakin gabez ignorantly io. certain, concrete, particular du/ad.
    1. ( oro.)
    a. to know; nondik dakizu hori? how do you know that?; nik dakidanez, ezinezkoa da as far as I know, it's impossible; dakienak daki eta dakienak ez daki if you know,you know and if you don't, you don't; dakikezunez... as you may know...
    b. ( -(r)en berri) ez dakite yanumamitarren berri they don't about the Yanumamis
    c. (esa.) batek daki! who knows? | God only knows!
    2. ( lehenaldi bukatuan) to find out, learn, discover; orduantxe \jakin nuen lapur galanta zela that's when I found out he was a big thief; laster \jakin zen nortzu ziren it was soon found out who they were
    3. ( gai bati buruz aski ezaguna izan) ongi dakite ingelesez \\ euskaraz they can speak English \\ Basque | they know English \\ Basque well; euskaraz al dakizu? do you speak Basque?; e-r egiten \jakin to know how to do sth; badaki dantzan \\ igeritan he doesn't know how to dance \\ swim Oharra: jakin duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., tutik ere ez jakin aurkitzeko, bila ezazu tutik adieran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jakin

  • 12 zahar

    a. ( agurea) old man
    b. \zaharrak the old | the elderly; gure \zaharren ohiturak the customs of our elders; \zaharren egoitza residential home for the elderly |old people's home
    2. zer berri? — \zaharrak berri how are things? — same old stuff
    3. \zaharraren \zaharrez hil zen agurea the old man died of sheer old age io.
    a. ( gauza) old; \zaharrago older
    b. ( p.) old; \zaharrago elder | older Oharra: ikus oharra elder sarreran
    c. ( ogia) stale
    2. Plinius Z\zaharra Pliny the Elder
    3. ( aditzaren era burutuen ondoren) ez naiz mendira joan \zaharra I haven't gone to the mountains in a while; auto hori ez da erosi \zaharra that car was purchased not too long ago

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zahar

  • 13 aberats

    iz. rich person, wealthy man gizonezkoa., wealthy woman emakumezkoa. ; \aberatsa banintz... if I were a rich {man || woman}; \aberats berri nouveau riche; \aberatsak the rich; \aberatsak pobreei lagundu behar lieke the rich man should help the poor; \aberatsa gezur hutsa, beharduna amets hutsa (atsot.) the rich man may dine when he will, the poor man when he may io.
    1. ( diru asko duena) rich, wealthy, affluent, prosperous; oinordeko \aberats batekin ezkondu nahi zuen he wanted to marry a rich heiress; etxe \aberatseko semea a son of a well-to-do family; \aberats {okitua || porrokatua} da he's filthy rich
    2. (irud.)
    a. ( lurra) rich
    b. ( joria) rich, abundant; uzta \aberats bounteous crops; burdinan \aberatsa rich in iron
    c. ( lurraldea, etxaldea, baserria) rich, well-off
    d. ( hizkera, estiloa) rich, lavish
    e. ( itxura) well-off, well-heeled; gizon gazte bat itxura \aberatsetakoa a young man with a well-heeled look
    3. ( zabal) bihotz \aberatseko gizona a kind-hearted man

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aberats

  • 14 adoretu

    a. ( alaitu) cheer up, gladden
    b. to cheer on; herriko hautagaia adoretzen zuten they cheered on the town's candidate
    2. ( bihotz eman) to encourage; adortzeko hitz batzuk esan zizkion he gave her some encouraging words da/ad. to cheer up; berri haiek entzunik \adoretu ginen guztiok we all cheered up when we heard that news

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > adoretu

  • 15 aio

    iz. child educator
    a. hope
    b. expectation; \aio egon to await | to wait; maitalearen berri onen \aio dago he is waiting to hear from his lover
    2. desire; ez dut \aiorik I have no wish to

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aio

  • 16 aire

    iz. [from Rom.]
    a. air; \aire egokitua air conditioning; \aire garbi clean air; \aire konprimitu compressed air; \airearen hezetasun neurtu to measure the humidity of the air; \airearen kutsadura air pollution; gela honetan \airea falta da the room needs some airing out
    b. ( lur gainekoa) air; \aireko hegaztiak birds in the air; \airean ikusi nituen I saw them in the air
    c. ITB. air | \airean to be on the air
    d. [ izenen aurrean ] air-; \aire-konpresore air compressor
    e. (esa.) \aire puskatua da (L) he's a bit tipsy; \aire zabalean in the open; \aire zabaleko meategi strip mine; \airean eduki to make (sb) shudder; horretan pestatze hutsak \airean nauka the mere thought of that makes me shudder; \airean egon to be up in the air; \airean dago oraindik kontua the matter is still up in the air; \airea hartu to guess; airez \aire in the air; airez \aire bidali nuen I told him to jump in the lake
    2. Med. ( h.g. \aire txarra) palsy, paralysis; \aireak jo du he's been sticken with palsy
    a. ( zeruaren itxura) cloudy sky; martxoaren \airea gorri, goizeko elur berri (atsot.) a red, cloudy sky in March will bring fresh snow in the morning
    b. (L) (NG) \aire gaizto lightning
    4. ( antza, itxura) appearance, look; faxista-\airea hartzen diot nik Freedoniako lehendakari berriari the president of Freedonia looks a bit fascist to me ; ba al du zutik abiatzeko \airerik? does he look like he can get up and walk about?; \aire gaiztoa du he looks evil | he has an evil air about him
    5. ( umorea) mood, disposition, tempera-ment; \aire gozo edo gaiztoz mintzatu to speak gracious or ill-temperedly
    6. Kir. volley; \airetik hartu zuen pilota he scooped the ball out of the air; pilota \airean hartu i. to catch a ball in the air ii. ( baseball) to catch a fly ball
    7. \aire berean in a flash | straight away interj.
    1. \aire! out! | scram!; \aire hemendik! get out of here!
    2. ( trikitixan esaten dena, adorea emateko) c'mon!, all right!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aire

  • 17 akabo izan

    1. ( bukatu) to be over, end, finish, be it; horren berri baldin badute, \akabo izan da gure egitasmoa if they know about that, it' s all over for our project
    2. to have had it; \akabo izan garela, gureak egin duela that' s it for us, we' ve had it

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > akabo izan

  • 18 alai

    iz. [cf. Cast. "alhaja" ? (gem)] \alai oneko dago he' s in good spirits io.
    a. ( izaerari d.) cheerful, chipper, gay Zah.
    b. ( une jakin batean) happy, glad, merry
    c. ( lore-lore eginda) tipsy, merry
    2. (irud.)
    a. ( aurpegia) happy, cheerful
    b. ( musika, giroa) merry, gay, lively
    c. ( abestia) happy
    d. ( kolore, soineko) bright, gay
    e. ( eguraldia) cheerful, bright, nice, pleasant
    f. ( egun, aldi) happy, cheerful; gaztaroko egun \alaiak happy youthful days
    g. ( berri, albiste) happy, good
    h. bihotz \alaia da he' s light-hearted
    3. ( lekua) airy, ventilated
    4. Zah. ( kementsu)
    a. spirited, energetic, vigorous
    b. lively adb. \alai daudenekin \alai izan behar da you have to be cheerful with those who are in good cheer

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > alai

  • 19 albiriste

    2. albiste

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > albiriste

  • 20 arran

    iz. Nekaz. large cowbell; idi zaharrari \arran berri (atsot.) big problems call for big measures

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > arran

См. также в других словарях:

  • Berri-UQAM (métro de Montréal) — Berri UQAM Station Berri UQAM Localisation Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Berri-UQÀM (métro de Montréal) — Berri UQAM Station Berri UQAM Localisation Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Berri-de-Montigny (Métro de Montréal) — Berri UQAM Station Berri UQAM Localisation Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Berri-de Montigny (métro de Montréal) — Berri UQAM Station Berri UQAM Localisation Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Berri-uqam — Station Berri UQAM Localisation Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Berri (Australien) — Berri Blick über Berri und den Murray River Staat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Berri Txarrak — lors de l Azkena Rock Festival Pays d’origine Lekunberri, N …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Berri Txarrak — на фестивале Azkena, 2006 г. Основная информация Жанр …   Википедия

  • Berri Barmera Council — South Australia Location of the Berri Barmera Council in SA Population …   Wikipedia

  • Berri Txarrak (álbum) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Berri Txarak Álbum de Berri Txarrak Publicación 1997 Grabación 1997 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Berri Txarrak — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Berri Txarrak Información personal Origen …   Wikipedia Español

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